6.1 ¿Para qué actividades de las que realizamos cotidianamente necesitamos energía?
To cook, to heat the shower water for heating and air conditioning to the light, the use of any electronic device ...
6.2 ¿De dónde se obtiene la energía?
Generally, the generation of electrical energy is to transform some kind of chemical energy, mechanical, thermal or light, among others, into electric energy. For the generation industrial installation known uses power, running any of the abovetransformations.
Power generation is performed basically by a generator, although these do not differ in their operating principle, vary according to how they are driven. Statedanother way, which differs in primary energy source used to convert the energy contained in it, into electrical energy.
Power generation is performed basically by a generator, although these do not differ in their operating principle, vary according to how they are driven. Statedanother way, which differs in primary energy source used to convert the energy contained in it, into electrical energy.
6.3 ¿Cuánto nos cuesta porder usarla?
Is the unit that measures the electricity consumption and its symbol is KW-h. When the disk spins measured, are posting the KW-Hr consumen.El approximate cost of a kW-h of energy is $ 44, regardless of the value of the fixed charge, which is $ 659 or maintenance of equipment has a value of $ 317.
6.4 ¿Cómo se distribuye esa energía?
Electrical power is distributed through networks of high, medium and low voltage of 30 KV, 20 KV and 15-13 KV. This comes, now, to all claimants of such energy. The electricity reaches every municipality to a voltage of 30 KV, 20 KV or 15-13 KVand there in each substation regulator, is transformed to a voltage of 13.8 kV andeventually in every neighborhood there is a transformer transforms the low voltagepower to a voltage of 380 V> 220 V> 125 V.
6.5 ¿Existe un problema energético?
Yes, now there is an energy problem.
In any energy transformation some energy is lost as heat (energy degradation).
-PRIMARY ENERGY: contained in the sources of energy.
-FINAL ENERGY: energy used in primary consumo.energia points = Final energy +lost energy + lost energy transport in other operations.
The fossil fuel crisis has become necessary (along with pollution problems) the search for alternative methods of obtaining energy.
6.7 ¿Qué medidas se proponen en el mundo para solucionarlo?
Feasibility of solar energy and need for energy savings.
6.8 ¿Se sufre en todo el mundo el problema de la misma manera?
No, as is always the hardest hit Third World. Developed countries are buyers ofenergy and are developing producers. Rich countries can buy power if necessary, which can not make poor countries.
6.9 ¿Se deben imponer medidas de ahorro energético a países en vía de desarrollo?
Yes, as they have many more opportunities to control energy expenditure that underdeveloped countries.
6.10 ¿Cómo se podría ahorrar energía en el transporte?
Transport is the sector most energy consumer in Spain, reaching 36.2% of the national total. Meanwhile, the private vehicle represents approximately 15% of the total.
This significant energy consumption and emissions of greenhouse gasesassociated necessitate the introduction of energy saving measures through a commitment to:
1. efficiency and innovation
2. new models of transport and
3. changing habits of citizenship
This significant energy consumption and emissions of greenhouse gasesassociated necessitate the introduction of energy saving measures through a commitment to:
1. efficiency and innovation
2. new models of transport and
3. changing habits of citizenship
6.11 ¿Se puede ahorrar energía cambiando nuestras costumbres en cuanto a los productos que consumimos, los medios de transporte que usamos, etc??
To replace our fleet of vehicles increasingly efficient and less polluting, and diversification of fuels, are one of the key factors in helping to reduce the effects of transport on the environment.
On the other hand it is essential to work on the proposed introduction ofsustainable mobility, such as favoring public transport networks and efficient trafficregulation in the cities.
Furthermore, using energy saving light bulbs, optimize the use of dishwashersand other appliances ...
6.12 ¿Crees que los edificios en zonas rurales o de ocio en Andalucía tienen alguna relación con el clima?

Yes, houses are often conditioned to be isolated from the high summer temperatures:
-thick walls
materials such as brick-
-painted white
-few windows out, windows are placed into courtyards with vegetation
6.13 ¿Qué es la arquitectura bioclimática?
Bioclimatic architecture is the design of buildings taking into account climatic conditions, using available resources (sun, vegetation, rainfall, wind) to reduceenvironmental impacts, seeking to reduce energy consumption.
6.14 ¿Qué elementos podrían usarse en las casas para aprovechar mejor la energía solar?
-The installation of solar panels to heat water.
-Enable the good natural light through windows, skylights ...
6.15 ¿Qué fuentes alternativas podrían utilizarse para sustituir a los combustibles fósiles?
Among the most important are solar energy (photovoltaic and thermal), wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal and marine.
6.16 ¿Qué ventajas e inconvenientes tienen el empleo de cada una de ellas?
The potential energy stored in the waterfalls can be transformed into electrical energy. Hydroelectric plants use the energy of rivers to operate turbines that drive an electric generator. Spain uses 15% of this energy to produce electricity.One of the most important quantitatively in the framework of renewable energy is from hydroelectric facilities, a clean energy source for indigenous but we need to build infrastructure necessary to tap the potential available with zero cost of fuel.The problem with this type of energy is dependent on weather conditions.
Solar thermal
It involves collecting the sun's energy through solar panels and convert it into heat which can be used to meet many needs. Also, you can get cool during the warm season. In agriculture you can get other applications such as solar greenhouses that favored improvements in crop quality and quantity of agricultural dryers use less energy when combined with a solar system, and desalination plants or water purification without the use any type of fuel. With this type of energy could be reduced more than 25% of conventional energy consumption in new housing thus reducing fossil fuel combustion and environmental degradation. The production of hot water is about 28% of energy consumption in homes and that these, in turn, demand more than 12% of energy in Spain.
The drawback is that this technology is very efficient in areas of high solar radiation, but currently can not compete on price in low sunlight locations as Central Europe, where technologies such as Thin Film (Thin Film) are also getting reduced prices Traditional PV technology.
Wind Energy
Wind energy is the energy from the wind, that is, using the kinetic energy generated by currents of air. Is obtained through a wind turbine is that convert the wind kinetic energy into electricity by means of vanes or blades which rotate a central axis connected, through a series of gears (transmission) to an electric generator.The wind turbine is a generator of electricity from wind kinetic energy is clean energy and also the least expensive to produce, which explains the strong enthusiasm for this technology.Currently used for conversion into electrical energy through the installation of wind turbines or wind turbines. Of all the existing applications of wind energy, the most widespread, and it has a higher growth is the wind farm for electricity generation.By movement of the blades or vanes, driven by the wind, activates an electric generator which converts the mechanical energy of rotation into electrical energy.These turbines usually measure about 40-50 meters depending on the topography of the site, but may be even higher. This is one of the major problems affecting populations from the aesthetic point of view.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is energy that can be obtained by utilizing the heat inside the Earth.Part of the Earth's internal heat (5,000 ° C) reaches the earth's crust. In some areas of the planet, near the surface, groundwater can reach boiling temperatures, and thus serve to drive electric turbines or to heat.
Marine Energy
Ocean energy refers to renewable energy produced by sea waves, tides, salinity and temperature differences of the ocean. The movement of water in the oceans of the world creates a store of kinetic energy. This energy can be harnessed to generate electricity that feeds the homes, transport and industry.
6.17 ¿Qué transformaciones energéticas se producen en las centrales eléctricas?
Become the primary sources of energy into electrical energy.
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