1.2. ¿Cómo se distribuyen temporal y geográficamente? :
Presentación en google docs:
With a small help from google and ''national geografic's'' videos, I think that a possible list of them would be this
1.3. ¿Qué es la evolución biológica y cómo puede producirse?
Biological evolution is the set of transformations or changes over time has resulted in the diversity of life forms that exist on Earth from a common ancestor.
The mechanisms behind the transformation and diversification of species, however,are under intense investigation.
Two naturalists, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, independentlyproposed in 1858 that natural selection is the basic mechanism responsible for the origin of new phenotypic variants and, ultimately, new species.
Currently, the theory of evolution combines the proposals of Darwin and Wallacewith the laws of Mendel and others further advances in genetics, which is why it is called modern synthesis or "synthetic theory".
According to this theory, evolution is defined as a change in the frequency of allelesin a population over generations.
This change may be caused by different mechanisms, such as natural selection, genetic drift, mutation and migration or gene flow.
The synthetic theory is currently receiving widespread acceptance in the scientific community, but also some criticism. Has been enriched since their inception,around 1940, thanks to advances in other related disciplines such as molecularbiology, developmental genetics and paleontology.
Evolutionary Principles are:
*The new species evolve from the advanced and Specialized, But Relatively simpleand unspecialized.
*The evolution is faster in Some times Than at Others.
*The evolution does not always go from simple to complex. There are examples ofregressive evolution.
*The evolution Occurs Populations, not Individuals.
*Evolution is of variable intensity in Different types of organisms.
The mechanisms behind the transformation and diversification of species, however,are under intense investigation.
Two naturalists, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, independentlyproposed in 1858 that natural selection is the basic mechanism responsible for the origin of new phenotypic variants and, ultimately, new species.
Currently, the theory of evolution combines the proposals of Darwin and Wallacewith the laws of Mendel and others further advances in genetics, which is why it is called modern synthesis or "synthetic theory".
According to this theory, evolution is defined as a change in the frequency of allelesin a population over generations.
This change may be caused by different mechanisms, such as natural selection, genetic drift, mutation and migration or gene flow.
The synthetic theory is currently receiving widespread acceptance in the scientific community, but also some criticism. Has been enriched since their inception,around 1940, thanks to advances in other related disciplines such as molecularbiology, developmental genetics and paleontology.
Evolutionary Principles are:
*The new species evolve from the advanced and Specialized, But Relatively simpleand unspecialized.
*The evolution is faster in Some times Than at Others.
*The evolution does not always go from simple to complex. There are examples ofregressive evolution.
*The evolution Occurs Populations, not Individuals.
*Evolution is of variable intensity in Different types of organisms.
1.4. ¿Qué cambios nos hicieron humanos y como puede explicarse?
Hominids have evolved, this is the process of humanization. The changes haveaffected the standing, the acquisition of articulate speech and an increase in brain capacity.
*Walking upright: the first criterion used to differentiate hominids from apes. To be in the standing, the foramen magnum must be upright, femurs have to be directedobliquely toward the knees and feet should be bigger and with your thumb parallel toeach other.
*Encephalization and life cycle: the modern human cranial capacity increased and decreased the birth canal due to change in the arrangement of the hips. Therefore,for the possible delivery tube advance is becoming more dependent on the mother to the baby.
*Learn to speak: human beings have an articulate language, that is necessary for this phenomenon is mentally competent and have a vocal apparatus.
*Encephalization and life cycle: the modern human cranial capacity increased and decreased the birth canal due to change in the arrangement of the hips. Therefore,for the possible delivery tube advance is becoming more dependent on the mother to the baby.
*Learn to speak: human beings have an articulate language, that is necessary for this phenomenon is mentally competent and have a vocal apparatus.
(Points from ``El señor de la ciencia´´ Blogspot)